I Went Camping With My Baby

A mom walks into a campground- and runs out screaming 12 hours later.

That was almost me. Because I went camping with my baby. But, before you say you’ll never make the same mistake, this is a story with a happy ending!

A good idea, maybe

In the summer of social distancing, we decided camping felt safe enough for our little crew to have a weekend getaway camping with my in-laws.

My one-year-old is a happy camper. He’s never actually camped, but my easy-going kid loves nature. Camping fits his interests perfectly. Except for the fact that he sleeps best in complete darkness, at a crisp 68-72 degrees with the sound of ocean waves washing over him.

He’s a dream sleeper at home. We didn’t know how he’d do in a camper on a hot July weekend.

Day One

We timed the drive perfectly. Get him in his carseat right at naptime, he’ll sleep the first two hours, wake up, have a snack then become a camper. 


Thirty minutes in his eyes popped open to watch the cars and trucks buzz by. The next two hours consisted of 10 minute naps.

Nap one was a bust. But, there’s hope yet!

Lunch, play, nap two.

We put his Pack ‘n’ Play in the camper, zipped him into his sleep sack, gave him his lovey and turned on the waves. He went out without a problem.

Snack, play, dinner… bedtime routine. And this is the part where mommy almost ran away.

My happy bathtime baby did not care for an inch of water at the bottom of the camper shower. Screaming. He didn’t want his bottle. More screaming and some wriggling. Reading was acceptable. Going to bed was not.

While I’m pretty powerful, if I do say so myself, I do not control the air temperature or sunset. So getting my son to lay down behind a sheet in the hot camper to try to block out light didn’t go well. He could tell it was still daytime- his favorite word is ‘go’ and that’s what he wanted to do- and he was H-O-T.

We fought him to sleep for HOURS. We sat in the air-conditioned car for bottle and stories. We swung in the hammock as the last light blue disappeared into the darkness. He fell asleep, but as soon as his head hit the Pack ‘n’ Play inside he was reminded he was in a weird place with weird light and too much humidity.

My husband and I didn’t know what to do. We followed all of Joan’s key sleep principles at home- cool, dark room, white noise, sleep sack, lovey. Luckily, we had parenting and camping professionals with us. 

Here’s what we as first-time parents didn’t realize. You adapt and survive. So, my husband and father-in-law loaded my sad buddy into his car seat and drove. About an hour later, they brought back my cooled-off, snoozing dude and he went into his bed just fine.

He woke me up in the morning by pulling up on the side of his bed and giving me a smoochie.

Day Two

My husband and I woke up ready to call it quits on camping with baby. But, he’s more patient than I am and decided let’s get through nap one. And not take any chances that it’d be a good one.

The guys loaded up the baby again- committed to driving up and down the Door County peninsula for two hours of a solid baby nap.

It worked! 

A solid morning nap led into a solid afternoon nap. A happy, splashing baby in between.

At bedtime, we had learned some lessons. First- since we couldn’t control the light, we didn’t. We pushed back bedtime until the night sky darkened. In the meantime, we did everything we could to keep the camper cool. We did most of his bedtime routine outside where the breeze could do the work for us. He and I snuggled in the big bed next to his Pack ‘n’ Play by ourselves for his bottle- him in his sleep sack ready for bed. The calm and quiet seemed to help. I reminded him mommy was still here behind the sheet.

We became happy campers

We ended up happy campers because we stopped trying to control the things we couldn’t. Sleep at home and sleep anywhere else are different. And we had to accept that.

Sure, driving our bud around at home isn’t sustainable. But, if that’s how we escape quarantine for two nights it’s fine. A late bedtime isn’t ideal, but if it saves a fight it’s fine. Letting go of my sleep anxiety really was fine since it meant I got to experience the joys of camping with my baby.

And next time, I might consider a battery-powered fan and/or this nifty invention to give buddy a private, dark space.

Reflux & Your Baby

Reflux can cause baby sleep challenges but not all baby sleep challenges are due to reflux. When it comes to reflux, there can be a bit of confusion regarding symptoms, causes and treatment. Let’s get the facts straight!

What is reflux?

There are two types of reflux. There’s GER or Gastroesophageal Reflux, also known as just reflux and then, there’s GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. 

Reflux can start as early as a few weeks of age but, usually, starts between two and four months. This is generally the time that infants start consuming larger amounts of breastmilk or formula.

GER is quite common. With GER your baby’s milk & other stomach contents back up into the esophagus. Sometimes, you might see it come out through the mouth or nose. GER starts to ease up at six months and usually resolves by nine to 12 months. GER diminishes at this time for a few reasons: 1) the muscle between the esophagus and stomach (the esophageal sphincter) tightens up; 2) most babies start sitting up and 3) most babies begin eating solid foods. All of these factors make it harder for baby’s food to work against gravity to come back up.

While GER is common, GERD is not so much. It is similar to GER in the fact that it causes baby’s food to come back up. The difference is that GERD results in complications. GERD causes inflammation of the esophagus and/or oropharynx. If GERD is not managed , it can lead to more serious complications such as airway problems (wheezing, gagging or difficulty breathing), poor feeding and inadequate weight gain.

Due to the acidity of stomach contents, both GER and GERD can cause discomfort.

How do you know if your baby has GER?

Common symptoms of GER include the following:

  • Spitting up or vomiting after feedings
  • Fussiness, irritability
  • Back arching, head thrusting
  • Difficulty self-soothing and falling asleep

Some babies have “silent reflux”.  With silent reflux, a baby won’t necessarily spit up or vomit but this type of reflux can result in inflammation of the esophagus and an uncomfortable baby.

If you notice these symptoms, check with your pediatrician. Your pediatrician will also be able to figure out if your baby has reflux or an allergy to milk or formula, which is another possibility with the same symptoms.

Many parents get concerned if they see their baby spitting up regularly. But, that’s normal! If they aren’t bothered by it, your little one is probably just a “happy spitter”!

How can you help your baby’s discomfort?

  • Feed your baby smaller amounts more often.
  • Burp you baby frequently while feeding.
  • Hold baby upright for 15 – 30 minutes after every feeding.
  • If your baby is bottle feeding, make sure that the size of the bottle’s nipple hole is appropriate for your baby.
    • If the hole is too small, your baby will swallow too much air.
    • If the hole is too large, your baby can take in too much fluid.

Could reflux be the reason your baby isn’t sleeping well?

If your baby falls asleep while feeding, rocking, swinging or bouncing, and wakes up regularly, those wake-ups are likely due to a sleep association. If you’re putting baby down calm, but still awake, an occasional wake up might be due to reflux.

While many parents used to think wedges or inclined sleepers helped babies with reflux, wedges and inclined sleepers are not safe. The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend inclined sleepers for reflux. The use of these products has resulted in death.

Can medication or diet help?

“The good news about reflux”, says Dr. Tim Marsho from Tosa Pediatrics, “is that it almost always gets better without any intervention at all.”

If you do need to make changes, your pediatrician can guide you.

With all the different formula options out there, they might recommend trying a different option. If you’re nursing, your doctor may suggest tracking your diet and limiting anything that seems problematic.

According to Dr. Marsho, reflux medication is used much less frequently than years ago. “There is growing evidence that medication does not help as much as we once thought it did. In fact, there are safety concerns with long-term use of medications. If we have to resort to medication, it’s only for a very short period of time.”

While reflux can be a nuisance for babies and very stressful for parents, it is normal. Dr. Marsho reassures parents that “it is not a medical problem”. In most cases, it resolves by nine to 12 months. You and your pediatrician will figure out the best way to address this temporary nuisance. If your baby’s intake is inadequate, weight gain is insufficient or there are compromising respiratory issues, your pediatrician may recommend further diagnostic testing. Fortunately, this is a much less common scenario. 

Everything You Need to Know About Teething

Everything Gets Blamed on Teething!

Teething gets a bad rap! Teething takes the blame for just about everything, including disrupted sleep. A lot of parents say their child has been teething FOREVER. And, many parents feel that teething is surely the reason their little one isn’t sleeping well. We’ve broken down just about everything you need to know about teething- including separating teething facts from teething fiction.

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Maternity Leave is Ending & Baby Doesn’t Sleep Through the Night- HELP!

Maternity Leave is Ending & Baby Doesn’t Sleep Through the Night- HELP!

After ten beautiful weeks of snuggling your sweet baby, sometimes at all hours of the night, suddenly the countdown to going back to work begins! As maternity leave is ending, baby may not be sleeping. And you might be wondering how you’re going to function at work totally sleep deprived.

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It May Not be The Right Time to Sleep Train… Yet

So, you’ve decided you and your baby are ready for sleep training! You may feel like the right time to sleep train is ASAP – before the sleepless nights drive you even crazier…

GREAT! That’s what we’re here for. But, we want to make sure when you do the work to sleep train, it sticks. Timing is everything. Sometimes finding the right time to sleep train, even if it means more wakeful nights, will allow the consistency it takes to be successful. 

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When to Begin Sleep Training: Finding that Optimal Window

sleep training windowYou may be anxious to begin sleep training your little one, but you’ll have much better success if you wait until your baby has hit a few important milestones. After 16 weeks, a baby’s circadian rhythm has usually developed, and most children at this age will sleep more during the night hours than the day. By this time, your baby will also be able to practice self-soothing and go for longer stretches without feeding.

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Baby Sleep Tips: Helpful vs Unhelpful Sleep Associations

When that first baby arrives, most of us don’t think about sleep associations. During those early weeks, you feed, rock, swing or bounce and your little one will usually fall asleep. You may also be swaddling your baby and turning on that sound machine, too. All those things are sleep associations, and in the beginning they’re great because your baby needs you to be actively involved in the process of falling asleep. By the time babies are a few months old, however, they’re a little more independent and very capable of falling asleep without you being so actively involved. Read more