When to Begin Sleep Training: Finding that Optimal Window

sleep training windowYou may be anxious to begin sleep training your little one, but you’ll have much better success if you wait until your baby has hit a few important milestones. After 16 weeks, a baby’s circadian rhythm has usually developed, and most children at this age will sleep more during the night hours than the day. By this time, your baby will also be able to practice self-soothing and go for longer stretches without feeding.

So what is the optimal window to sleep train? The optimal (and easiest) window for sleep training varies from four months to eight months, with the ultimate sweet spot right in the middle. Before this time, babies may or may not be ready, and after this window, it gets more difficult (but still doable!).

Remember, it’s never too early to implement sleep hygiene principles and a healthy nap schedule, but sleep training or sleep coaching is not appropriate until at least four to five months of age.