Understanding the AAP’s New Safe-Sleep Guidelines

Here at Peapod Sleep Consultants we’ve been working hard to digest the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) new safe-sleep guidelines and recommendations. It’s the first time in SIX years they’ve updated this information, so these new recommendations and clarifications are based on research that’s happened since then and will hopefully help prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

At the end of the day, the lead author of the new policy says keep sleep simple. 

“Simple is best. Babies should always sleep alone in a crib or bassinet, on their back, without soft toys, pillows, blankets or other bedding,“ said Dr. Rachel Moon. 

While you may have read the new safe-sleep guidelines, you also might have walked away wondering “what’s new here?” Mostly, these updated suggestions provide more specific guidance to clarify earlier recommendations.

What’s new in the new safe-sleep guidelines?

They’re more specific and they’re meant to clarify the earlier recommendations. Here’s the summary:

  • Try to share your room- NOT your bed- with baby for six months. While some parents may find bed sharing preferable, according to Dr. Rebecca Carline, co-author of the AAP report, said the evidence is clear that bed sharing increases the risk of a baby’s injury or death.
  • Inclined sleepers of any kind are not acceptable for sleep (and the Consumer Product Safety Commission agrees with their new rule banning certain types of inclined sleepers)
  • Swaddling is fine for sleep but should be discontinued with the first signs of rolling over.
  • Avoid weighted blankets, weighted swaddles or weighted sleep sacks.
  • Keep pillows, bumper pads, stuffed animals, blankets or any other types of soft bedding out of baby’s bed.
  • Try not to use car seats, bouncers, strollers, carriers, swings and slings for naps or night sleep. If a baby falls asleep in a car seat, they should be transferred to a crib or bassinet as soon as possible. During the first few months of life, a baby doesn’t necessarily have head or neck strength to keep their airway open in one of these products. 
  • Heart rate monitors and pulse oximeters you can buy in your average baby store are not recommended. The concern is false alarms and that they may provide parents with a false sense of security.

About That Six Month Rooming-In Suggestion

Yes, the guidelines suggest that you keep baby in your room for six months. But, there may be circumstances where it makes sense for your family to move baby to their room sooner. We say this with the knowledge that the greatest risk for SIDS is between one and four months. If you’re so sleep deprived at night that you’re bringing baby into your bed to catch up on sleep, it may be less risky to move baby into their own room than to keep them with you. Before you make any decisions, consult with your pediatrician. 

Returning Safe-Sleep Recommendations

The following safe-sleep guidelines remain part of the AAP’s recommendations:

  • Place your child on their back to sleep for all naps and night sleep.
  • Avoid overheating (68-72 degrees is the sweet spot)
  • Breastfeed or provide expressed human milk for six months or more. Editorial note: Fed is best! Please don’t feel any guilt if breastmilk is not a good choice for your family.
  • Offer your baby a pacifier at sleep times.
  • Avoid smoke exposure, alcohol and illicit drug use.
  • Try to work your baby up to 15 to 30 minutes of daily tummy time each day by seven weeks.

If you’re ever in doubt about a particular product, consult the Consumer Product Safety Commission https://www.cpsc.gov/ or the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association https://www.jpma.org/. If you have questions about any part of the newly revised guidelines, it’s best to consult with your child’s pediatrician.

Sleep & The Second Time Mom

Sleep & The Second Time Mom

Before I get too far into this post, it feels important to start with: I am not a sleep consultant. I’m just a sleep consultant’s social media manager, which comes with a certain amount of knowledge, but does not in any way make me an expert. I also think it’s fair to give you a heads up- my two-year-old has never been a good sleeper and still does not sleep through the night consistently, so when we brought home our “Tiny” I was determined to do things “better” with sleep the second time around. You’re likely reading this as a parent and know that sometimes all the “better” in the world makes absolutely no difference. And yet, I, like many of you, really like sleep. So, I ventured to do better.

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Popular Baby Sleep Products Banned by New Regulation

On Wednesday, June 2, 2021, the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) approved a new infant safety regulation. All products intended for infant sleep will be tested to make sure the angle is less than 10 degrees AND they must meet current standards for cribs and bassinets. Neither of these is required of inclined sleepers and similar baby sleep products today.

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You Might Not Need A Baby Monitor

Baby monitors have become a must-have for most new parents’ baby registries. They’re great at providing reassurance when you have a new baby. That is a wonderful benefit of this technology! And baby monitors are great if you and your kids are sleeping on different floors or you have a special needs child. But, if your kiddo is in the next room, you might not need a baby monitor.

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How to Deal With Sleep Regressions

Undoubtedly, you’ve heard of sleep regressions. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re experiencing it first hand. The word regression suggests a setback- something abnormal. Unfortunately regressions aren’t abnormal. They are frustrating, exhausting and overwhelming.

Just when you think you have a great sleeper, your great sleeper stops sleeping well. A sleep regression might look like difficulty settling down or falling asleep, nap resistance and night wakings. All of this can lead to overtiredness. In turn, overtiredness can result in fussiness and crankiness. For you and your child. 

Here’s maybe the most important part: sleep regressions usually only last one or two weeks. This will pass.

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When Your Baby’s Head-Banging- And not the Rock & Roll Kind

Thump, thump, thump. You check the monitor. You see your baby bumping his or her head against the crib. Yikes! It’s understandably upsetting and worrisome. Here’s the good news; this baby head-banging, where babies or young children repeatedly hit their head against a crib, mattress, wall or pillow, looks painful, but in a healthy child, it is a form of self-comfort. 

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White Noise For Your Baby

Cutting through the noise

Inside the womb, it’s noisy!  Before birth, babies get very accustomed to sleeping while listening to the sound of your heart beating, your blood circulating and your stomach digesting. During that last trimester, babies can hear sounds outside of the womb. After their arrival, it’s no wonder that babies struggle sleeping in total silence.

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Our Favorite Child Sleep Books for DIY Parents

child sleep books
It’s a little more complicated than a picture book, but child sleep books can help you sleep train on your own.

If your sink’s garbage disposal breaks- do you call a plumber or type “broken disposal” into YouTube? If you’re a DIY parent, you probably liked the YouTube option. So, when your child isn’t sleeping, we’re guessing you take a similar approach- you maybe even found this article Googling “child sleep books”. We have good news for you! You can absolutely help your child sleep better on your own. As sleep consultants, we are here when you’ve tried as much, or as little, as you want and need more help. Some people love having a guide and human resource, others don’t need that. 

Most of the information you need to sleep train is online or in a book. But as you probably already know, there’s just so much information out there. And one approach can be SO DIFFERENT from the next. It’s especially tough to sort through it all when you’re totally exhausted.

There are hundreds of child sleep books. I have a bookcase that’s full of them. While most sleep books will help you in a safe and science-backed way, some are better than others! Here are our favorites.

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