Holiday Sleep: Tips to Keep Your Family Well-Rested

The holidays are a busy time of year! Family gatherings and festivities can be a lot of fun, but they can also mean packing more into hectic schedules. It’s easy to miss naps and bedtimes! We all know what happens when kids become overtired- it’s a little bug we can call “Holiday Sleep.” But, by setting up properly, you can lessen the chance of a dreaded holiday meltdown.

  • Plan ahead: Make sure that your kids are well rested heading into the holiday season. If your kids have a great sleep schedule 80-90% of the time, they’ll be able to tolerate occasional change. If you receive multiple holiday invitations, pick the ones that are most important for you and your family. Don’t plan for a holiday commitment every single day.
  • Don’t over-commit: Your kids can know when you’re stressed. Your stress inevitably carries over to your kids and can make it harder for them to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • Keep bedrooms calm and soothing: Avoid cluttering your kids’ rooms with lots of holiday decorations or new toys. A room full of clutter and stimulating toys can really interfere with sleep. Holiday sleep doesn’t mean festive sleep environments.
  • Keep your kids’ sleep schedule intact: If you absolutely have to miss a nap, don’t compromise your child’s bedtime on that same day. If you know you’re going to have a late night, don’t skip a nap that day. There’s only so much change a little body can handle!