Common Baby Sleep Mistakes

While there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to sleep training, there are certainly habits that we know can sabotage parents’ best efforts in getting their baby to sleep through the night. Nix these common mistakes, and you’ll help ensure your baby develops a healthy sleep routine.

1) A bedroom that’s too stimulating
There are all sorts of ways to make your nursery adorable, but actually, boring is best for great sleep!

2) Napping anywhere
Your baby’s naps should be in the same place as night sleep. It’s not a great idea to nap in the family room or kitchen during the day. Naps and night sleep should be in the bedroom. The one exception is the late afternoon cat nap (if your little one is still on three naps a day). That can be your on-the-go, flexible nap.

3) Letting your baby fall asleep outside of his or her crib
After eight weeks, it’s super important to place your baby in his or her crib awake, but drowsy, at bedtime.

4) Keeping your baby up too late
After a few months, bedtime should be between 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Later bedtimes will not mean later wake times!

5) Ignoring sleepy cues
If your baby “zones” out, has droopy eyelids, bobs his or her head or gets really fussy, you’ve got an overtired baby. Don’t ignore the cues. It’s time for a nap or bedtime!