Toddler Sleep Issues: The Top 5 Causes

Toddler sleep issues are common! That doesn’t mean you have to struggle through them, though. Here are a handful of reasons many kids struggle.

graphic toddler sleep issues

  1. The Bedroom is Too Fun

    The best sleep environment is one that is boring. Yes, boring! If your toddler’s room is full of toys and color, it’s too stimulating. You give your tot a reason to wake up when he or she should be sleeping.

  2. Your Kid Isn’t Ready for the Big Bed

    Most kids aren’t mature enough for a big bed until age three. Yes, they may seem like they’ve outgrown their crib, but keep them there until it’s no longer working. Before age three, kids really don’t understand the rules and boundaries associated with a big bed. They’ll call out for you, or better yet, they’ll pop into your bedroom at all hours of the night!

  3. Bedtime Routine Lasts Forever

    Bedtime routines are necessary but they should be time-limited. Kids will do anything to stall and extend their routine. If you’re prone to giving in to “pleeeeease, just one more story,” set fun ringtones on your phone to help limit your routine. Be firm about your in-bed lights out time!

  4. Bedtime is Too Late

    Babies, toddlers and preschoolers need early bedtimes. Being up too late results in overtired kids who are cranky and have a much harder time falling asleep. Most toddlers should be going to sleep between 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. Of course, there will always be exceptions, but aim for this window 90% of the time.

  5. You Reward Late-Night Wake Ups

    If your toddler sleep issues come in the form of your toddler standing by your bedside in the middle of the night every night,  try not to reward the wakings with feeding, rocking, cuddling or bringing your little one into your room. You’ll instantly create a habit that you’ll have to repeat again and again to get your kid to fall back to sleep. The older your child is, the harder it is to fix. It’s best not to get into the habit in the first place!