Parenting in a pandemic is worse than my worst fear. Postpartum anxiety made me believe our beloved dog had millions of dangerous germs on her. It made me believe the air was full of toxins. It convinced me harmful bacteria lingered everywhere. It never suggested a world-wide, potentially fatal virus would spread into our community, shutting down work and schools. This is parenting during the Coronavirus pandemic.

I’m not okay, and I don’t think many parents are right now. Whether they deal with mental health issues or not, facing COVID-19 feels as though it can’t possibly be real. But, it is. And here we are. Trying to protect our families from a crazy virus. Oh, yeah, and trying to work. Trying to work from home. Trying to work with our kids from home. Trying to work with our kids from home while homeschooling.
Sure, no problem. Did I mention my son is teething something awful? Send help.
Of course, going through this has shone light on infinitely many reasons I am grateful. For instance; having a job, having a job I can do from home, having a comfortable home in which to do said job. I am grateful we have the ability to stock our fridge and pantry. And I am grateful when all this isn’t going on, we have an amazing daycare to help care for my son. Because trying to do it all may be the biggest parenting challenge yet. And I’m not even having to homeschool. I’m not home with a newborn and a toddler without help. I’m not facing giving birth without a partner. I know I have a fraction of the challenges so many face because of COVID-19. Still, I’m struggling just doing what we are all doing… getting through each day and holding all the other parents in my heart as we get through one more.